Saturday, August 6, 2011

Natural remedies for acne

Copyright (c) 2008 Mary Ann Copson
Acne is a common skin problem and difficult to treat. Not only cause physical discomfort and acne blemishes can also be the cause of the distress and embarrassment of stress by leaving the acne sufferer with less positive feelings about themselves.
Standard treatments are several over-the-counter and prescription drugs, ultraviolet rays, oral antibiotic treatment, based lotion hydrocortisone, oral contraceptives and a variety of abrasive topical treatments.
Acne is often seen as a teenage love, but men and women 20, 30 and 40 represent half the population of acne. Young children and older adults seem to have acne. The teenage acne is equally distributed between boys and girls, but adult acne is more common in women.
The medical establishment accused of acne on a combination of overactive sebaceous glands in the skin, hormones, and a tendency for cells lining the pores to become blocked. Research by Nicholas Perricone, however, shows that acne is actually the result of a cascade of inflammatory reactions in the body.
An inflammatory response - created by the consumption of pro-inflammatory, high levels of stress and not getting enough sleep and relaxing - creates an inflammation at the cellular level. Cellular inflammation accelerates the aging process and the development and progression of many diseases including cancer, cardiovascular disease, arthritis and acne.
As stated in his book The Perricone prescription for acne, "Inflammation is always first and is the inflammation that causes clogged pores" of their research points to the fact that acne is an inflammatory disease Systemic comes from within.
Herbalists have traditionally treated acne from the inside. Instead of relying solely on external topical treatments to remove acne skin, herbalists have sought to balance the key internal processes:
Hormone production
Liver health
Health lymphatic
Digestive Health
Bowel function
Skin Health
The new and the traditional "approach is to treat acne as a systemic imbalance in the body - as an inflammatory response caused by the support or imbalances in several different body functions.
An approach to treatment "works for all to clarify acne does not work, so how do you know what's behind the home and the treatment approach that works best for you? Diagnostic assessment by mapping their personal imbalances may help target effective treatment for your situation. Successful treatment of acne calls for a tiered approach for the individual design, including:
Herbs taken internally
Topical treatments
In addition to an anti-inflammatory, there is a time honored herbal methods that have proven useful when used in the program in various forms.
Burdock "a deep cleansing herb that helps the liver and the skin more effectively clean the debris and toxins. A liver is not functioning at its best is slow to decompose and hormonal cleaning products can aggravate acne. Burdock purifies strong liver, the hormone that regulates the actions with a particular affinity for the skin.
Burdock contains inulin, which helps eliminate bacteria on the skin and some research suggests that burdock has anti-bacterial and anti-fungal. The root is used more often and promotes sweating and urination.
Dandelion "stimulates the liver and digestive function and stimulates bile flow. The liver is the major organ in the body that helps get rid of toxins and excess hormones, including those related to outbreaks of acne . Dandelion root is anti-inflammatory and can help get rid of skin bacteria associated with acne.
Dandelion leaves are rich in vitamins and minerals "and make a tasty green vegetable. Vitamins and minerals in the dandelion is believed to support and maintain healthy skin.
Marigold is a traditional remedy for skin. It is anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory and increases immune function. Calendula can be used both externally and internally to reduce inflammation and speed healing of wounds. Calendula is considered the best tissue healing problems herbal. Calendula is tied with the witch hazel as an astringent and is one of the best antiseptic.
Chaste Tree - If you are a woman and her acne has a hormonal link, chaste tree may be just the thing for you. Chaste tree has a long history of problems with hormonal balance in women. Chasteberry appears to regulate the highest levels of progesterone are associated with acne breakouts. Chasteberry may be necessary if the acne occurs with premenstrual syndrome and if acne reappears, since entering menopause.
Sarsaparilla - was used to clarify the problems of the skin. Sarsaparilla seems to work to eliminate acne to balance hormones and improve the function of the lymphatic system.
Cow tongue "another favorite remedy herbs, clears skin problems, improve digestion and regular bowel movements. Herbalists have long known that the link between constipation and skin problems.
Mahonia and goldenseal "two of these herbs contain berberine, a potent antibacterial agent and can help rid your skin of bacteria associated with acne. In addition, two of these herbs work to improve digestion and role of the liver, helping the body rid itself of toxins.
Mahonia is particularly effective for all types of skin problems. Stimulates bile secretion and is a glandular tonic. Thanks to its stimulating and regulating effect on the liver and gallbladder, which is useful to overcome problems of constipation. This is what herbalists call a blood purifier and promotes the proper functioning of the spleen and the lymphatic system. By their combined actions that can do wonders to restore a clear, sweet complextion. Warning "Do not use any of these herbs internally during pregnancy.
Herbs for outpatient treatment:
Reduce inflammation of cat's claw ", nettle, cleavers, licorice, chamomile, chickweed
The deep pore cleansing ginseng, ginkgo
Antibacterial / antifungal "echinacea, white willow bark, calendula, goldenseal, blue flag, nettles, cleavers. Lavande Kills germs on the skin, stimulates new cell growth and helps to heal scars acne.
Calendula Astringent. Witch hazel is a call to the old that kills bacteria and helps remove excess fat in the skin.
Mary Ann Copson is the founder of Evenstar Herbs and the Evenstar Mood & Energy Wellness Center. Masters in Human Development and Psychology and Counseling, Mary Ann is a certified nutritionist, certified practitioner of holistic health, the clinical chemistry of the brain. Find herbal remedies for more

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