Thursday, August 18, 2011

Niche Ideas for sale

Niche Ideas for sale
What all of these issues from the wall they have in common?
-Learn how to make horseshoes
-Take your child on ads
Home-designs 1800
-How to create a skateboarding half pipe
-Making money with a food basket
-How a theater for your cat
-Knit Patterns
What these have in common, they are each individually terribly boring for 99% of the population?
These are all issues of success of e-books or information products created by "amateurs" sellers on eBay. Even the most remote "niche" topic can find a buyer if the audience is large enough. With eBay the public is enormous. Info WACKY sold on eBay!
Remember that the beauty of selling information products is to stay around 95% related to the purest. No shipping, if you sell downloadable information. Even if you burn CDs or DVDs is the price for their products to create nominal compared to the income opportunity.
Looking for your own idea for a unique niche product information?
Here are some ideas:
Watch the best graphics on If a concept that sells well is likely to be sold on eBay as an information product. Do not spend too long in the top 10 sellers. Dig a few good ideas.
To see the different lists of top-selling using the dropdown menu in the upper left corner of the homepage. Look for the "Search" Prompt and select "Books" list. Then click "Go". See all categories of books, each with its top sales with a list of 100 books. This is a good tool for searching thoughts.
When you find a simple idea of ​​research, testing (more on that in a moment) and start selling on eBay in a few days! I told you about these ideas often do not go into details here ... read my book and newsletters of the information age
Drill Down
Let nichey! (It looks like an "Old Navy" commercial law?)
Do not be afraid to dive into a smaller, more passionate niche audience! Examples of depth on issues such as "how to put horseshoes on a horse," or "how to build a skateboard ramp," or "how to build a house for a cat." These are all real issues and are information products for each success on eBay.
Some of the issues that probably could not do as well as information products above are broader issues that do not appeal to the passions of the "Die Hard" fans. For example, consider these options POOR topic: "The history of skating" or "Why you should own a cat." These are issues that are already well known among the "Die Hard" fan of each theme and are too for a general fan interest.
What results to expect if you find a good niche subject?
In some cases, the questions are so remote that the policyholder info-over $ 1000 on eBay every week. Notice I said tele-taker and I did not say "author" because he does not have to write an information product of your choice. You can record your voice, interview an expert, create a video, etc. The options are endless and the skills that can be purchased cheaper lack any stage on the road.
Consider an information product that will be useful for hobbyists and enthusiasts, showing step by step how to do something. A good friend of mine was in a word document when taking pictures of the writing process with descriptions and pictures to explain the process. There was the Word document to PDF (simple) and it was in the company.
It's easier than ever to create video, audio and attractive graphics, but does not want you to look and feel great to sell an information product. My first information product continues to sell many copies daily and has no pictures and only a CHEESE repeating table in some places. There are 20 pages long, but gives the reader the information they want.
The success is certain
Have a topic you think might do? You will never know without trying it first.
First step: write your sales letter (keep it simple - which is good)
Step Two: Put your sales letter on eBay and see if anyone wants the idea!
In the past, I even set up e-book covers (picture book) before I wrote my book. I then created a "sham" of 7 or 10 days for auction on eBay with a sales letter before you start the book. Next to control the level of interest in traffic and bidders. If there is an interest to cancel the auction before the end and inform the customers will auction a free copy of the book once it is completed.
If there is no interest after 7 to 10 days I cut my losses and try a new topic. The total time is a "loser" is a minimum idea of ​​using this strategy.
The start winning eBay auctions and then quickly move on eBay (hidden competition) to a website, affiliate programs, mailing lists, etc. .. that more information is needed to go, but I think I'll cut this article here ...

For more information click here

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